Tweet - "#HispanicHeritageMonth offers a special opportunity to come together in celebration of our Latino communities, who have for generations blessed our nation with their remarkable talents, fierce patriotism and an entrepreneurial spirit."

Social Media

"#HispanicHeritageMonth offers a special opportunity to come together in celebration of our Latino communities, who have for generations blessed our nation with their remarkable talents, fierce patriotism and an entrepreneurial spirit."

"During COVID-19, our nation has been grateful for the courageous service of so many Hispanic Americans on the frontlines. We also reflect on the challenges our Latino communities face, from unjust impacts of COVID-19 to decades of underinvestment to a broken immigration system."

"Since our nation's founding, Latinos and Latinas have played an integral role in the American story. From these extraordinary achievements we are reminded that our nation's greatest strength is our unity, forged by our diversity."

"Indeed, our country's foundational spirit of E Pluribus Unum -- from many, one -- continues to inspire Democrats as we strive to build a stronger, fairer future for all our children and for decades to come. Read my statement on #HispanicHeritageMonth here:"

